Tämä juttu käsittelee ammattirikollisten tekemiä koirien sieppauksia, joista on tullut ainakin Briteissä isohko ongelma pandemian aikana.
https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2021/may/15/he-grabbed-the-lead-and-said-give-me-the-dog-can-pet-detectives-stop-the-rise-in-animal-theftHuomioni kiinnittyi seuraavaan kohtaan jutun keskivaiheilla:
And they’ll have a load of equipment with them. Butcher has seen a bag that was left behind by one gang. Inside was an expensive pair of bolt cutters that could get through any padlock, a mishmash of screwdrivers, dry liver treats, dog calming spray (you can get it for taking a dog on a plane), clip-on lights to work in the dark, gaffer tape, cable ties and a makeshift muzzle that traps a tennis ball inside the dog’s mouth. “It’s quite brilliant, really – the dog can breathe because its mouth is open, but it can’t bark, and it’s relatively happy ’cos it’s got a tennis ball in its mouth,” says Butcher.
Keskiverto koirasta on siis kivaa olla pallo suussa? Tuskin kuitenkaan yhtä paljon kuin joistakin ihmiskoirista.