Kyllähän tuo samalta elokuvalta vaikuttaa. Youtubessakin on yllättävän paljon leffoja katsottavana, joskus unohtaa sen.

Eräs on Youtubessa kommentoinut: "I've seen some weird films but this one takes the cake!!!!"
Sivuhuomiona Wikipediassa kerrotaan, että islantilainen neo-psychedelia -bändi omi elokuvan nimen itselleen.
Bändin edustaja Henrik Björnsson totesi belgialaisen VRT Radio 1:n haastattelussa vuonna 2003: "We had a first gig. It was booked and we didn't have a name and I had been looking for a film called Singapore Sling for a long time. I couldn't find it anywhere. It sounded cool, so that became the name of the band. It's some kind of dark, perverse Greek film from 1990. I haven't found it yet, so if you know someone who has it, please let me know. I hope it's good. A dark perverse noir film and a guy who has sex with a corpse. And he's called Singapore Sling."