Kirjoittaja Aihe: Minkälainen D tai s olet? -testi  (Luettu 36742 kertaa)


  • Vieras
Vs: Minkälainen D tai s olet? -testi
« Vastaus #30 : 18.09.2013, 20:08 »
Perfect submissive.

You live for the praise other shower on you and you know how to earn it. When you love, you love with fathomless depth and are keenly aware of every nuiance that is pleasing to the one you love.
Usually overworked by those at around you who don't understand or take advantage of your giving nature, you take everything in stride.
Take time for yourself until you find that special someone who will scheduel in rest for you.
Your perfect lover is the Total Dominant, though the Role-Play Dominant would leave you breathless you'd need to learn when to say when.

Ja voihan KÖH noita vastausvaihtoehtoja..


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Vs: Minkälainen D tai s olet? -testi
« Vastaus #31 : 18.09.2013, 20:18 »
 Total Dominant.

You have enough confidence and ambition for 2 people, literally.
You could easily live the life of a full time Master or Mistress, directing, punishing and praising those who serve you.
You probably enjoy owning finer things and you take care of them well. You'd like a lover (or lovers) who are attractive, intelligent and see you as the leader you are. You spare no expense in caring for what you have, that goes for /who/ you have double.
You can be demanding, on yourself as well as those around you. Mistakes and setbacks happen, do not let yourself get bent out of shape over them.


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Vs: Minkälainen D tai s olet? -testi
« Vastaus #32 : 18.09.2013, 20:22 »
Role-Play Dominant.



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Vs: Minkälainen D tai s olet? -testi
« Vastaus #33 : 18.09.2013, 20:26 »
Vastausvaihtoehdoissa ei ole sopivia (tai sitten en ole sopiva testille >:D )...ja kun valkkaan jonkun epäsopivan/huonon väliltä jotain niin tulokset...ekalla kerralla tuli Role-Play mikäs siinä, jos diili sisältää minulle jotain mikä on intressissäni niin toki voin leikkiä subia (roolileikkihän sekin? ), jos ja kun seura on sopiva. Toinen testikerta julisti jo vaniljaksi. Ja väitti että osaan olla dominoiva jos sille päälle satun. "Illalla tai aamulla saattaa sataa tai olla poutaakin, idän ja lännen välistä tuulta,  koko maassa tyyntä ja myrskyvaroitus..."


  • Vieras
Vs: Minkälainen D tai s olet? -testi
« Vastaus #34 : 18.09.2013, 20:36 »
Fun Dominant.

You are adventurous and prefer your lover to follow your lead. You would like to push their limits and let you explore what out there with them.
Never boring, ropes and chains to whipped cream could liven up your night. You may even get inventive while doing laundry (spin cycle?!?).
Have fun but remember to double check for safety. With YOUR tastes there may not be a cop in the world who'd believe how that accident /really/ happened!

No silleensä sitten kai  :))


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Vs: Minkälainen D tai s olet? -testi
« Vastaus #35 : 18.09.2013, 20:49 »
Mjaha, mää oon sitten sub, ja vielä hauska semmoinen.

En oo ihan 100% vakuuttunut nyt.


Vs: Minkälainen D tai s olet? -testi
« Vastaus #36 : 18.09.2013, 21:55 »
Motivational and Vanilla.

You could be Dominant if the mood struck you but you prefer to guide those you love to achieving their own goals.
You are caring and encouraging but don't forget, variety is the spice of life. Whips and chains may not be your thing but letting your lover be creative with body paint could heat up the evening.



  • B-Anon Shamaani
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Vs: Minkälainen D tai s olet? -testi
« Vastaus #37 : 18.09.2013, 22:12 »
Inspiration Seeking Vanilla.

Perhaps you're jaded, betrayed or just in a state of transition. You could play the submissive but you'd prefer a lover who can inspire you.
You have a cold firepit inside waiting for fuel, when you get your sizzle Watch Out. Your lover should guide you and encourage you.
However a little loss of control may not be bad, just to relax. A soft satin blindfold over your eyes and let your lover suprise you with randomly placed kisses. It may be just the cure for the placid fog.




  • Vieras
Vs: Minkälainen D tai s olet? -testi
« Vastaus #38 : 18.09.2013, 22:48 »
Role-Play submissive.

You live for the thrill. Haunted houses, murder mysteries, vampire stories and tales of damsiels in distress excite you.
Being greeted by your lover by a trail of red rose petals threw a dimly lit hallway to the bedroom where a dozen candles are burning will always light up your night.
Better yet if you lover grabs you from behind and ...
Use a silly safe word like "Mouse" to let them know when you've REALLY had enough and aren't just screaming in the thrill.



  • Vieras
Vs: Minkälainen D tai s olet? -testi
« Vastaus #39 : 18.09.2013, 22:55 »
Total dominant sain vastaukseksi.


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Vs: Minkälainen D tai s olet? -testi
« Vastaus #40 : 18.09.2013, 22:56 »
Fun Dominant.

Melko kateeksi käy niitä, kuka saa tulokseksi monipuolisempia jutuja. Kai mä oon rajoittunut:p


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Vs: Minkälainen D tai s olet? -testi
« Vastaus #41 : 18.09.2013, 23:03 »
Total Dominant.

Taas näitä juttuja, jossa sekoitetaan roolit BDSM:ssä ja muussa elämässä.


  • Vieras
Vs: Minkälainen D tai s olet? -testi
« Vastaus #42 : 18.09.2013, 23:18 »
Role Play Dominant...elämässä on niin paljon muutakin.


  • Baarikärpänen
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  • TrueVanilla
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Vs: Minkälainen D tai s olet? -testi
« Vastaus #43 : 18.09.2013, 23:23 »
Egalitarian Vanilla :D

You aren't really interested in dominance or submission, I don't really know why you took this test! You are encouraging with better than average communication skills. You also have a natural diplomacy skill.
If your looking for spice in the night, whip cream in fun places may cure your boredom.


  • Vieras
Vs: Minkälainen D tai s olet? -testi
« Vastaus #44 : 19.09.2013, 00:00 »
Fun Dominant

Pidän kyllä itseäni vähän tosikkona  ;D