Kirjoittaja Aihe: Studio Moth - February RopeJams schedule. What happens at Jams?  (Luettu 1490 kertaa)


  • Vieras
Maybe you are new to shibari or otherwise undecided on coming to Rope Jams so here is a little info on what to expect.

Every other week the emphasis is on beginner level rope play so no prior experience is needed. We'll get you started with some fundamentals on shibari and basic techniques for self-tying and tying with a partner at the beginning of every Jam.

Every other week the emphasis is more general level and with varying themes (if stated in schedule)

You can always come and concentrate on your own thing no matter what the theme is! Come partnered or unpartnered.

👉Februarys Jam schedule:👈

Thu 3/02 Beginners Jam
Thu 10/02 Rope Jam
Thu 17/02 Beginners Jam
Thu 24/02 Rope Jam

Our doors open every thursday at 18:00. If you're coming with a car there is a parking area just outside the door. Instructions on coming with a city bus can be found on our website under Rope Jams -section. There is a changing room where you can change clothes if needed.

Tying always happens between two consenting adults. We have a clearly communicated etiquette which we encourage everyone to get familiar with when visiting us. It can be found from articles on our website.

Some might be fully clothed, some may choose to be in underwear or lingerie to get the sensation from rope against the skin but genitals are kept covered during Rope Jams. The floor is shared with everyone and we respect everybody's space and private play.

After tying session some may stay for debrief discussions and small talk at our lounge or maybe to read something from our small shibari/kink -related library. Studio closes at 21:00.

The whole idea behind Studio Moth is to have an open, safe and warm atmosphere for just coming over for a cup of coffee or tea and to meet new people with similar interests. Maybe you won’t find someone to tie with the first time but you will make friends and get to watch people tie which is the next best thing. So don’t be a stranger!

We are happy to help with any questions you might have so drop a DM or send an email to

#shibaristudio #ropejams #shibari #kinbaku #studiomoth #motti #sidontastudio #rope #bondageart #jyvaskyla #jkl #kulttuuri


  • Vieras
Ylihuomenna studio auki alkaen klo. 18. Tervetuloa mukaan! Mikäli jamit (tai Motti ylipäätään) kiinnostelee, niin tule linjoille Motin Discordiin:


  • Vieras
Ensiviikolla taas alkeet-painotuksella eli rohkeasti mukaan uudenkin äärelle :)