Kirjoittaja Aihe: Fight Club! - Play fighting workshop and play evening 30.10. @ ESKUS, Helsinki  (Luettu 1118 kertaa)


  • Porttikiellossa
  • Asiakas
  • *
  • Viestejä: 38
  • Filosofi, seksologi, queer, dom, panda daddy
  • Galleria
    • Seksualistin päiväkirja
Playful fighting and wrestling, juicy sweaty bodies, tight squeezes.


Fight Club is an event for playful and/or erotic play fighting.

Tuesday 30.10. 19-22.
At Eskus, Suvilahti, Helsinki:
FB Event:

We’ll start with warm-up exercises and safety and technique drills. Next up will be partner/group play, where the intensity and intention, amount of force and sexuality can be adjusted to your personal preference. You’ll also have a possibility to vary and experiment with different approaches. Play fighting can be playful and cuddly, sweaty and hard or horny and ravishing! There will also be some time for free play.

We'll wrap the thing up around 2130 with a nice relaxing cuddle pile or something similar.

If this sounds like your cup of sweat, or you happen to be otherwise interested, say AFFIRMATIVE (consent) and cum into the ring!

Fight gear: Flexible clothing that is either durable or expendable. No jewelry, glasses or anything breakable or risky to partners. Bring a water bottle, and knee pads if you happen to have some.

Fight rules: Fight Club commits to the principles of safer space. The club is queer, kinky and sex positive. Play should always be Safe, Sane and Consensual, and discrimination of any sort will not be tolerated. Any relevant health problems or anxiety should be discussed with the hosts before the event.

Registration: No registration, come as you are.

Fee: Donation to cover the venue rent, feel free to chip in with whatever amount fits your situation. Cash or MobilePay.

Please note, that there might be some nudity in the workshop. The purpose is to play with more or less simulated violence, so if you find that triggering, this might not be for you.

Feel free to post any questions below!

If you can’t find the venue, call Leo at 040-849 2554.

Your Fight Instructors
- Leo, handsome tantric devil
- Tommi, panda daddy with pointy moustache