Kirjoittaja Aihe: 15th of June 2013, from 7 PM to 3 AM: SMFR’s Kalevala party  (Luettu 22148 kertaa)


The biggest party of the year in Helsinki is approaching…

The party will be held at the vaulted cellar of Agroksenmäki (address: Vanha talvitie 14).

The Midsummer party’s themes are Kalevala and Finnish summer. Feel free to come in the national dress of your home country, a floral dress, or in rubber and a corset. There is no dresscode.

You need to be a member of a Finnish kinky association and you can bring one person with you as a guest. If you are not a member yet, you can pay the membership fee of 25 € at the door. Tickets are 20 € for members and 25 € for guests. Please note that only cash payments are accepted.

Snacks and coffee are sold at the party. Feel free to bring your own drinks.

The night will offer amazing shows, competitions, a lottery and a photograph exhibition.