Kirjoittaja Aihe: SMFR’s Material world party, July 20th 2013  (Luettu 21405 kertaa)


It is again time to party! The next club evening will be held at Restaurant boat Wäiski at Hakaniemenranta 11, Helsinki, on the 20th of July 2013. The entire boat is reserved just for us. SMFR equipment will be free for use upstairs. In the middle floor a flea market will be held, and downstairs the bass will be pumping for all who want to dance.

”Material world” is our theme for the evening. Your material of choice can be traditional rubber, vinyl or leather. Or perhaps lace, satin, denim, cling film or whatever pleases the eye or makes you tingly all over.

Prices: 7 € for SMFR members, 10 € for members of other Finnish kinky associations, 12 € for others. An additional 2 € cloakroom charge is required by the venue.

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A flea market will be held at the Material world –party on July 20th 2013. Bring your wrong size or otherwise unneeded items for sale. Add your selling price to the items and bring them to the sales table. We will sell your stuff for you. After the market closes you can collect your money or unsold items.